
Seena Greiwe

Attracted to Ball State for Sports Link , an immersive learning program that has emerged as a national leader in sports media and production, Seena Greiwe said she is “blown away” by what she’s been encouraged to accomplish in her first two years on campus. This academic year alone, she attended 10 Division I NCAA championships as […]

John Anderson is talking to a group of students and teachers around a table.

SportsCenter’s John Anderson visited Ball State to speak to students and share his knowledge of the media industry and career in sports journalism.

Charlie Cardinal stands on stage a few minutes before the 2017 Chirpies begin.

Student-athletes celebrated at the third annual Chirpies event, which was a Sports Link production and televised on ESPN3.

Two students sit at laptop computers while they watch basketball games on several TV screens

Sports Link students partner with NCAA’s March Madness to support social media efforts during the tournaments, curating millions of social impressions.