Libraries’ digital archives collection reaches milestone by posting one millionth piece and creates a connection to the area’s rich history.
A new career specialist is helping Ball State better serve students with disabilities by easing the transition from college to career.
Student volunteers traveled to a challenged St. Louis enclave, stepped into the realities of its residents and took away a new perspective.
The Tony Award-winning actress and longtime university friend made a Broadway splash in the musical and is co-directing the production opening March 31.
Telecommunications lecturer Chris Flook mines scholarly research at Ball State and elsewhere to produce “Native Americans of East-Central Indiana.”
PhD Pathways, founded in 2012, is pointing the way to grad school for a growing number of students who want to come back to teach at Ball State.
Dining pursues sustainability through power savings, composting, recycling. Its efforts cut costs, reduce waste, keep food fresh and feed the hungry.