
SOAP (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution) fundraising event in Miami.

Theresa Flores, ’87, endured sex trafficking as a teenager. Now she’s helping others find justice.

A photo of exterior of The Neely House restaurant

Cailín Murray and Russell Irving met outside the historic Thomas Neely home four years ago during what can technically be described as an act of trespassing. For decades, the home had stood abandoned and in disrepair, an eyesore in Muncie’s historic Emily Kimbrough Neighborhood. Murray, a Ball State associate professor of anthropology , had assumed that the ramshackle home was uninhabited. She entered […]

Brianna Meyer with preschoolers

Student volunteers traveled to a challenged St. Louis enclave, stepped into the realities of its residents and took away a new perspective.

Exercise science associate professor Henry Wang at the School of Kinesiology stands is seen working with a graduate student to test the stride length of women in the military carrying a heavy backpack.

The college combines six schools and departments to better prepare students for work in Indiana’s surging health care sector.