
Diversifying STEM Fields

IN LSAMP program at Ball State brings opportunities to aspiring STEM students from un-derrepresented backgrounds.

Taylorann Smith

It’s a little after midnight aboard the exploration vessel Nautilus as Taylorann Smith, ’18, posts on social media: “This for sure makes the Top 10 Coolest Things I’ve seen in my lifetime.” What Smith is seeing, via a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) named Hercules, is a variety of scavenging creatures banqueting on the corpse of a […]

Maxwell and sea lion share expressions

Neptune, a 6-year-old California sea lion, had a harrowing youth. In 2015, he was found stranded and starving on a California beach. Further examination showed hooks embedded in his front flippers and bullet fragments in his head. Neptune is now happy, well-fed, and in a forever home, thanks to the Georgia Aquarium and marine animal […]

Greg Lane

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]erving as a U.S. Marine for seven years in global hot spots like Somalia and Iraq gave Ball State senior Greg Lane a much bigger perspective on the things that really matter, he said. “While I served our country, my chief purpose was to help those in need, to protect those who weren’t able to […]

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]very Fall and Spring semester, about 150 Muncie children are busy learning science after a full day of school. In one lively room at the Boys & Girls Club in the Roy C. Buley Community Center, Ball State elementary pre-service students Brooke Miller and Katie Kane teach first-graders about habitats, as the children point to […]

A man pours a flammable liquid onto prairie grass

Wildlife biology students conducted a prescribed burn to release nutrients into the soil at Cooper Farm, a 40-acre prairie north of Ball State’s campus.

Junior Savannah Lundgren stops for a photo during a walking expedition through a South African game reserve.

Ball State junior Savannah Lundgren is making the most of her time at the state’s only university with a zoology concentration.