About Tim Obermiller
Tim is editor of Ball State University Alumni Magazine and a senior content strategist for the University. He was previously managing editor of the University of Chicago Magazine and editor of Illinois Wesleyan University Magazine, and has won multiple writing and editing awards.
Entries by Tim Obermiller
Student Trustee Rebeca Mena Met Challenges With Innovation
Rebeca Mena ’21 Rebeca Mena, ’21, has zero doubts about Ball State’s ability to boldly meet whatever challenges lie ahead. That confidence is the product of her experience as a student representative on the Board of Trustees during a time when the University faced challenges in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that interrupted normal life across the country. “You […]
1970s Jim Andrew, ’71, was presented the R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Pursuing an entrepreneurial career in the building supply industry, he bought Henry Poor Lumber and, through all economic cycles, has grown the business and implemented best-of-class management controls and processes. His service to Ball State includes having […]