Mike Earley, ’78 Mike Earley, ’78, brings a lifetime of leadership experience to his new role as chair of the Ball State Alumni Council. The Council serves as the governing body of the Alumni Association and as a representative voice of the University’s 201,000 alumni. Looking back at his Ball State experience, Earley says his involvement in organizations and leadership positions […]
1970s Jim Andrew, ’71, was presented the R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Pursuing an entrepreneurial career in the building supply industry, he bought Henry Poor Lumber and, through all economic cycles, has grown the business and implemented best-of-class management controls and processes. His service to Ball State includes having […]
Kori Bethea is passionate about teaching but maintains a lifelong interest in making art. (Photo by Bobby Ellis) Kori Bethea, ’18, is a world history teacher by day, and an up-and-coming artist by night. Last Fall, the University tapped her growing abilities in digital art to capture the Cardinal football team , which on New Year’s Eve 2020 […]
When he’s coasting downhill and has a chance to catch his breath, Chris Willis, ’93 MA ’96, sometimes reflects on why he’s bicycling cross-country nearly 4,300 miles over the course of 57 days. Willis’ goal is to raise $51,000 for public education—$1,000 for each of the 51 school districts he plans to stay in during […]
When singer-songwriter Tiara Thomas was a Ball State University student a little more than a decade ago, she said she wanted her music to matter, and she wanted to win a Grammy.
1960s Gary Wasson, ’68, Fort Wayne, IN, was honored in August 2020 with Indiana’s Circle of Corydon Award, which recognizes Hoosiers for remarkable contributions to the betterment of Indiana and its people. Wasson served as executive director of the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission, director of operations for the Grand Wayne Center, Park Board commissioner, and […]