Bibi Bahrami

Bibi Bahrami, ’14, co-founder of the Islamic Center of Muncie, has dedicated her life to caring for others and serving her community.

Imani Brissett

Recent graduate, Imani Brissett, received the Mark Twain Scholarship for Comic Performance among other prestigious awards.

One Ball State Day

Thanks to the generosity of Ball State alumni and friends from across the world, the University experienced yet another extremely successful One Ball State Day (OBSD) effort in 2023.

Paying It Forward

Alumni Mentors Helping Students Find Passion and Purpose

Once a Cardinal, Always a Cardinal

For so many graduates, Ball State played such a memorable role in their lives that they want to maintain and strengthen the valuable connections they made at the University.

Don Dumoulin

One graduate’s 45-year engagement demonstrates the various ways to connect through-out one’s life.

A Great Source of Pride

Bestowed with an honorary Doctor of Laws in December, Dick Emens continues to
honor his father’s Ball State legacy through the Emens Leadership Scholarship program.