Kelly Hartman

Kelly Hartman, ’89 MA ’91, confesses that Ball State chose her rather than her choosing Ball State.

student in the planetarium

Sarah Vise, ’19, is a Solar System Ambassador for NASA and an educator at Science Central in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Bruno Reinert

Compass Advantage is an initiative in the College of Sciences and Humanities at Ball State that helps humanities students navigate college-to-career

student working on urban planning project

Ball State University graduate Jeff Kingsbury is creating industry-related opportunities for CAP graduates and finding ways to do the same for current students.

Ryan Family Scholars

Michelle (Asby), ’81, and Jim Ryan made a $1.45 million commitment to establish the Ryan Family Scholars and Navigators Program.

Incredible Teamwork
A team of Computer Information Systems students partnered with the Indianapolis Interna-tional Airport on an immersive learning project during the COVID-19 pandemic.