Spring is one of Ball State’s busiest times of year. But with the lion’s share of academic and extracurricular activities on hiatus or being done remotely, campus has become a relatively quiet place these past weeks. While missing the hustle-bustle of a typical April weekday, our photographers snapped images capturing the tranquility of a peaceful campus in full and glorious bloom; a testament that life, indeed, does go on.
Pretty in Pink
A flowering magnolia basks in the afternoon sunlight. Ball State’s 780-acre campus contains hundreds of species of trees. Five tree trails have been designed and can be enjoyed by educators, students, and community members.
Sharing the Moment
A couple of students take advantage of the warm weather to get a little sun while catching up on their studies on the University Green.
Season Closer
Instead of cracking bats and the thump of balls landing in mitts, all is quiet at First Merchants Ballpark Complex. Varsity sports are on hiatus in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, the pilot program Cardinal Couriers was launched. Fans can submit requests for Ball State student-athlete volunteers to help with grocery or medical runs.
The Art of Social Distancing
Bustling McKinley Avenue became a tranquil place for reading and conversation between two friends who nonetheless avoid close contact.
Wanna Be Friends?
“Hey, where did everyone go?” might be a question on the mind of this campus-loving squirrel who seems overjoyed to glimpse the human who snapped this photo. Don’t worry, guy, we’ll all be back soon!
Good for the Goose
A Ball State bus sports a colorful WE FLY message, but this waterfowl stays put. April is typically the time when the birds arrive on campus. The most common among them, the Canadian goose, can be territorial and hostile during its nesting season—behavior that inspired the Ball State police to post a good-natured “notice of trespass” for the birds on Facebook.
All by Myself
This time of year, the Quad is normally alive with students throwing footballs, people walking their dogs, and employees grabbing some fresh air. Here, a lone person relaxes in front of the closed David Owsley Museum of Art.
Lockdown Rush Hour
There’s no scramble left at the Scramble Light. A few cars navigate campus’s busiest intersection, usually bustling with students.
All Dressed Up…
The lawn in front of the nearly new Health Professions Building got its first mow for the season. There are few people left on campus to admire the hard work of the grounds crew.
Hanging Out
A student practices social distancing, studying alone in a hammock on University Green. In the background, the College of Architecture and Planning building sits empty.
A Ball State Record?
The closure of academic buildings likely resulted in a new campus record: the longest stretch of time that no one has gotten lost in the labyrinth-like halls of the North Quad building.
Parking Place
Construction continues on the new $18 million parking garage that is part of a long-term plan to develop a new East Mall and make the campus friendlier to pedestrians and cyclists. Replacing the obsolete Emens Parking Structure, the New York Avenue Parking Structure will have 600 spaces, covered bicycle parking, and charging stations for electric cars.
Perfect Timing
Shafer Tower synchronizes with the afternoon sun for an image that would be suitable for accompaniment by a grand symphony.
Taking Shape
Development of the new East Quad continues to construction of the Foundational Sciences Building just to the south of the new Health Professions Building. The $87.5 million, five-story structure will be the home of the chemistry and biology departments and is a significant step in the University’s plan to meet the growing demand for STEM professionals in Indiana.