We Fly Gets a Bold Refresh
Two years ago, Ball State launched an attention-grabbing marketing campaign to tell the world what is distinctive about the University, summed up in two words: We Fly.
“These two simple words capture the spirit of intellectual curiosity that challenges our students and our graduates, our faculty and our staff—everyone in our community—to excel,” said Ball State President Geoffrey S. Mearns. “I am pleased to report we are on the right trajectory. People say they view Ball State more favorably since We Fly launched. We Fly resonates with our community of prospective and current students, our faculty and staff, our alumni, and our friends.”
The University is now building on that success, with new messaging, photography, videos, and designs, revealed in January 2020.
The refreshed campaign is more visible in the new, eye-catching banners and signs adorning campus, the bold billboards on Indiana interstates, a 30-foot-tall banner greeting travelers at the Indianapolis International Airport, digital ads on social media, and a new commercial on TV and online (watch below):
The entire Ball State community played a key role in creating We Fly. Today, we ask our community to continue to help us share the Ball State story through the following key messages.
We Fly
We spark intellectual curiosity. Spirited and motivated, we learn, grow, and take flight. Our faculty and staff—everyone in our community—treat students as partners from day one. In classrooms and labs, on the sports fields, in immersive learning projects—with agility and perseverance—Cardinals fly. We are grounded in our values, lifted by our knowledge, and go confidently upward toward ever greater opportunities. Ours is a simple promise: to challenge each other to excel. And with Beneficence as our guide—We Fly.

A new, 30-foot-tall banner, featuring students Kate Laughlin, Anna Clephane, and Trevor Evans, greets travelers at the Indianapolis International Airport.
Ball State is committed to a bright future. And it includes you.
We embrace the future, and our students, faculty, staff, and supporters have the intellectual curiosity, courage, determination, and dedication to shape it. We’re excited, and we’d love to have you join us.

Among students featured on billboards is Courtney Berger, whose areas of study include marketing and communication.
Find your passion and purpose here.
Our beautiful campus, welcoming culture, outstanding professors, and focus on innovation and collaboration provide the perfect place for you to continue your lifelong journey to a fulfilling career and meaningful life.
We are guided by Beneficence.
These values are not new to us, and they are not simply words. We have lived them for more than 100 years, and they are the watchwords for our next century.

The statue of “Beneficence” symbolizes the University’s values and aspirations.
We inspire.
We believe higher education should be the beginning of a lifelong quest for knowledge, solutions, and service. We live that belief by exposing our students to an innovative, collaborative learning experience—brought to life by talented faculty and dedicated staff.
We’re about more than educating students. We’re about serving our neighbors, near and far.
At Ball State, we graduate scholars who are changing the world. And we’ve dedicated our University to do the same.

Nursing student Trevor Evans’ image is featured on billboards as well as the new airport banner.
Our beautiful campus is our canvas.
Place matters, and that is particularly true on our beautiful campus—our size, our people, our culture, our technology, and our amenities. Our perfect size is one of the most common reasons students choose us. Indeed, we are small enough to be a community but big enough to change the world.