Large crane-operated claws are demolishing LaFollette complex

The razing of LaFollette Complex has begun and to celebrate the legacy of the complex, the Office of Housing and Residence Life is starting the LaFollette Brick Project.

Paul Parkinson smiles as he's surrounded by friends applauding

Paul W. Parkison built the accounting department, and it will now be named in his honor as a result of a fundraising campaign.

Tyler Ford referees several players during a game.

Tyler Ford, a young alumnus, has gone from refereeing and overseeing intramural sports to the pros as one of the youngest referees in the NBA, running alongside the league’s stars.

Several students sit at a table with their laptop computers

Ball State’s student-run public relations agency work around the clock to assist local nonprofits in a 24-hour CreatAThon.

Student poses outside in front of the Teachers College Building.

New alumnus Alex Bourdeau’s dedication to his on-campus research job earned him national distinction as Student Employee of the Year.

A student is holding a mobile phone outside of a Carmel business

An immersive learning class brings a walking tour of historic Carmel, Indiana to people’s smartphones.

A student is shown working with a hot glass project

Student videographer captured a 24-hour slice of life at Ball State in a video that shows campus activity at all hours of the day and night.