Charlie Cardinal and students cheer on the Cardinals

1970s Jim Andrew, ’71, was presented the R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Pursuing an entrepreneurial career in the building supply industry, he bought Henry Poor Lumber and, through all economic cycles, has grown the business and implemented best-of-class management controls and processes. His service to Ball State includes having […]

Charlie Cardinal and students cheer on the Cardinals

1960s Gary Wasson, ’68, Fort Wayne, IN, was honored in August 2020 with Indiana’s Circle of Corydon Award, which recognizes Hoosiers for remarkable contributions to the betterment of Indiana and its people. Wasson served as executive director of the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission, director of operations for the Grand Wayne Center, Park Board commissioner, and […]

Charlie Cardinal and students cheer on the Cardinals

We’re full of Cardinal Pride in our Ball State alumni as we share news of their milestones and accomplishments.

Submit a Class Notes entry Editor’s Note: The following class notes reflect news about Ball State alumni that was received and processed prior to the start of 2020. 1940s A 100th birthday celebration was held at the Student Center in October for Martha (Shelley) Ervin, AM ’43, who resides in Muncie. President Geoffrey S. Mearns attended as did Martha’s Lucina […]

Submit a Class Notes entry 1950s John C. Board, ’58, Helena, Montana, editor of A Special Relationship: Our Teachers and How We Learned, has been an educator in and out of classrooms for more than 60 years. In 2001, he began volunteering at Helena’s Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, putting his masters of library science degree to work […]

Submit a Class Notes entry 1950s Leigh Morris, ’58, La Porte, Indiana, is interim president and CEO of Visiting Nurse Association of Northwest Indiana. Leigh, former chairman of Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority, teaches in the Graduate School at Valparaiso University. He was president of La Porte Regional Hospital for 21 years and mayor of La Porte from 2004 to […]

Charlie Cardinal stands on the basketball court in Worthen Arena.

Submit a Class Notes entry 1960s Laurie Lindberg, ’69 MA ’79 PhD ’84, Muncie, retired after completing 21 years of service at Ball State, most recently asa faculty member in the Honors College. A recipient of the Vander Hill Award for Distinguished Teaching in Honors Education, she directed numerous senior Honors College theses and creative projects, directed the University’s London […]