When Shelby Looper, ’16, learned she’d be given a U.S. Department of Justice award for her pioneering victim advocate work, she was flabbergasted. It’s the same way she felt when, a year earlier, she learned she’d been hired to take charge of the Muncie Police Department’s Victim Advocate Program . She was 23 then, just one year out […]

PUP alumni

People for Urban Progress crafts used material, from the RCA Dome roof to Amtrak seats and seat belts, into items it sells—and makes Indy more sustainable.

Bosma CEO Jeff Mittman poses for a photograph

Through the corner of his right eye, Jeff Mittman reads an email. Using a mouse, the retired soldier drags the cursor across the large computer screen magnifying the text as big as a handprint. At Bosma Enterprises in Indianapolis, Mittman sits with the attentive posture of a seasoned military veteran. Dressed smartly in a charcoal suit, his war-damaged eyes […]

When Jeffrey Dick, ’13, was in third grade, he made a sketch of himself as an explorer, wearing an Indiana Jones hat and cutting through the lush jungle in search of things not yet discovered. These days, Dick dons a pair of safety goggles in place of a fedora and wields sophisticated analytical and statistical […]