The greatest partnerships aren’t the ones that benefit both sides; they’re the collaborations that benefit everyone.
Ethan Atterson, ’23, views music as a beautiful conduit for human connections. And conducting an orchestral ensemble … well, that’s magical, Mr. Atterson says.
Opposite page, below: Alley House resident Steffani Hines
enjoys her family’s reading area in their home. Top: The last stages of work took Alley House from concept to reality—an affordable, sustainable, and eco-friendly duplex that two families now call home. Bottom: Professor Pam Harwood inspects a pull-apart model of Alley House with Emily Rheinheimer, M.Arch ’23, and Morgan Getz, BLA ’23—both of whom worked on the duplex when they were students.
Ball State’s Man 2 Men program helps men of color graduate with high academic achievement and preparedness for post-graduate life