Paying It Forward

Alumni Mentors Helping Students Find Passion and Purpose

Diversifying STEM Fields

IN LSAMP program at Ball State brings opportunities to aspiring STEM students from un-derrepresented backgrounds.

Fallows Shine Light on Ball State-MCS Partnership

Washington Monthly, in announcing its 2022 “College Guide and Rankings,” highlighted Ball State University through the eyes of James and Dr. Deborah Fallows, esteemed journalists and best-selling authors (pictured above with Ball State President Geoffrey S. Mearns ). The Fallows, who were bestowed with honorary Doctors of Arts at Ball State’s Spring 2022 Commencement ceremony, were previously invited […]

DOMA’s Associate Director Wins Two Awards

Managing student employees may be a small line in the job description of Rachel Buckmaster, ’95, associate director of the David Owsley Museum of Art (DOMA). But she does not take the duty lightly—and others have noticed.

Driving Student Philanthropy Awareness

Freshman Mac Vore happened upon the Ball State Foundation’s Instagram account as a senior in high school. It was on “One Ball State Day”—the University’s annual 24-hour online fundraising event.

'Fired Up To Be Here'

New Director of Athletics Jeff Mitchell poised to build upon strong foundation with experi-ence, character, and leadership.

From Mentees To Mentors

Joel Whitesel, ’89 MA ’90, director of student success and retention, guides students through monthly networking and professional development exercises and events.