
The Enduring Spirit of Beneficence

President Mearns serving pizza to students.

Ball State University President Geoffrey S. Mearns served pizza to students, faculty, and staff at Emens Auditorium as part of the 2023 One Ball State Day.

One Ball State Day sparks lifelong giving

What perhaps started as spirited competition among departments and student groups on One Ball State Day has evolved into a lasting commitment to giving. Fueled by the spirit of Beneficence across campus, many students who initially participated in the University’s annual day of giving continue their generosity after graduation. This culture of giving back is a testament to the enduring impact of community spirit instilled during their time at Ball State.

Meet two young graduates who share a commitment to giving back to the University that means so much to them:

Jared Jacob

“I started donating to the CICS program as a student on One Ball State Day because I saw the difference alumni involvement could make and how much it relies on this support. It was really important to me to not only make a difference in my cohort but for future cohorts, as well. Professors like Kirsten Smith, MS ’99, associate director of CICS, took me under her wing and ensured I succeeded. People like her and those strong connections you develop make all the difference in a successful student. It makes you want to give back. Whether it’s forgoing a couple of coffees or a meal out, these small sacrifices contribute to a larger difference. My wife and I sat down recently to talk about that. Now that we’re both in professional careers, we reflected on our goals, which include finding time and resources that we can share now that we are able to. No one knows the full story of someone or what they might be going through. Students could be struggling just to pay for books, but if we can do a little bit to help out—if a lot of us do just a little—it can make a huge impact.”

Sydney McSorley

“I split my donations between the gymnastics program and Social Work. At first, donating to One Ball State Day was a big competition between all the sports, but then I was able to see the tangible impact of those funds. They were investing back into us as students for scholarships and other opportunities. I saw it going directly into Athletics teams and paying for overnight travel, uniforms, and equipment—opportunities that hadn’t been there before. It seemed like there were more and more opportunities for us. But the biggest reason I give back is because I loved my experience at Ball State. I know the professors are really investing so much time into their students. They are always looking for ways to give back, so I wanted to do the same. That’s why I’ve continued to give, even after graduation.”